4 Healthy Alternatives To Sugar


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Forget about refined sugar and start using one of the following alternatives:

  • Stevia totally natural and way more potent than sugar. 
  • Honey. Full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And it is totally natural. 
  • Saccharin. Way stronger than sugar and has 0 calories. 
  • Agave nectar: natural, more potent than sugar, and lower glycemic index. 

Want to know why these are better? Keep reading. 

healthy alternatives to sugar

Refined sugar has been demonized for years, and for a good reason. It has been linked to numerous health issues and problems with very serious consequences. 

Not to mention that it is the weakness and addiction of many people. And the main issue with sugar is that, since it is literally everywhere, many people consume way to much of it.

However today I am going to give you my 4 favorite healthy alternatives to sugar that you can use instead.


Probably the healthiest option. Stevia is a natural sweetener that’s extracted from the leaves of a plant known as Stevia rebaudiana.

It can be up to 350 times sweeter than sugar 

Stevioside, the sweet compound in stevia that gives it is power as sweetener, has been shown to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and insulin levels.

It is completely natural, no calories and studies haven’t found any links with stevia and a potential harm to our health.


That golden thing that Winnie The Pooh loves? Yeah that. 

It is a natural sweetener filled with of vitamins and minerals, as well as lots of antioxidants.

It is thought that has antiseptic properties, and ability to alleviate allergy symptoms. While honey does contain higher fructose levels, it’s relatively low on the glycemic index, making it one of the best sugar substitutes.

Yes, it contains calories and carbohydrates, but its natural origin makes it a way healthier option than sugar. Just don’t over do it. 


Saccharin is an artificial sweetener created by oxidizing various chemicals (o-toluene sulfonamide or phthalic anhydride). 

It doesn’t contain calories nor carbs and our bodies can’t break it down. 

It is 300 – 400 times sweeter than sugar and even though many studies in humans haven’t found evidence that it causes any harm to our health, there is still a lack of solid evidence relating saccharine with cancer.

Agave nectar

It is a natural sweetener coming from the agave plant. 

It is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar but thanks to its thick/liquid texture (similar to a syrup) you can use it in place of syrups as well and not just as a sugar substitute. 

Its glycemic index is way lower than sugar even though it is a bit higher in calories. 

Like I said in the intro, sugar is everywhere. Consumed in moderation is harmless, yes. But it is very easy to overdo it since it is actually in more foods that you would imagine and you don’t even realize how much you end up eating every day. 

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