How To Master Your nutrition In 4 Easy Steps


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Do you struggle managing your nutrition to eat healthy? Then this is for you:

  • Plan your meals before hand and meal prep. Will save time, energy and effort. I recommend you meal prep on Sundays and Wednesdays. 
  • Remember, there are no good or bad food. Just incorrect portions. Everything can be consumed in moderation. You don’t need to eat the same every day. 
  • You must find foods that you enjoy eating and that support your goals. Both. If they only do one of these, it won’t work. 

Want to learn a bit more in depth about why these will help yo? Keep reading. 

how to master your nutrition

You ever wondered how to master your nutrition? Well, I know it may seem hard, but it can actually be quite simple if you know how to. 

Here are some steps that you must take and that will help you really nail your nutrition. Every single day. 

Track your food. 

You need to know what you are eating every day in terms of calories and macronutrients in order to know if what you are eating actually supports your goals or not. 

There is no room for the “I guess this will… I guess this might have X gr of protein, so it probably fits…. I guess today I ate around X amount of cals so I am good”… no, if you truly want to master your nutrition you cannot work in uncertainty. You have to know what you are eating, and you have to know if you are on the right path. 

Whether it’s with a pre elaborated plan or with a food tracking app like MyFitnessPal, track what you consume on a daily basis to make sure you are on the right path.

Plan and prepare (meal prep)

The “I don’t have time” excuse is not valid anymore. Everyone is busy and “having no time” is one of the main reasons why most people don’t achieve their goals. In order to be successful and change your lifestyle habits you need to make food planning and preparation a top priority.

Schedule 2 – 3 hours a week for food planning. I would suggest Sunday and Wednesday evening. Two-three hours might seem like a long time, but if you break it up over the course of the week, it’s nothing. 

Remember, anything worth achieving takes effort. This is not a quick fix, nor a diet that you go on and off of. This is a lifestyle change for the better, so get ready to make some effort. 

There are no good or bad foods

There is a common misconception when it comes to food selection that leads most people that there are good and bad foods, and therefore there are foods you should consume and foods you shouldn’t. 

No, that is not how it works. Food is food. They are all formed by calories and macronutrients. Some will be more appropriate to help you reach your caloric and macronutrient needs for the day properly, and some will not be that appropriate. But all food regardless. 

Yes, you should base 80% of your nutrition in nutrient dense and high-quality foods, but that doesn’t mean there are forbidden foods you cannot eat. 

Find foods that you like and that support your goals

Related to the previous one, you have to consume foods you enjoy and like eating. This is not a quick fix, this is not a “I will follow a plan for 12 weeks to lose some weight and then that’s it” thing, we are trying to build better and healthier habits. In order to do that your nutrition has to be sustainable. And for it to be sustainable it has to be enjoyable.

That is why you need to find and eat foods you like, you enjoy and you are excited to eat. If you come back home from work and you don’t get excited by what you have on the table, then it is time to rethink your nutrition. 

Find the balance between foods that will help you achieve your goals and live a better and healthier life but also that you enjoy consuming, and that is how to master your nutrition for long term progress.

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