4 Supplements You Should Consider Taking


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Supplements are not necessary. We all know that, and if you didn’t knew it well, now you do 😉

A lot of people think that supplements are that secret ingredient to look like all those amazing physiques that we see all over social media. Well no, it is not. Supplements are not magic products, they are not a shortcut to get results and they are no, in any way, needed. What you really need to focus on is on getting all the macronutrients and micronutrients your body needs from your nutrition, on training properly, on getting enough amount of quality sleep every night and on managing your stress optimally. 

Once all of that is in check, and only then, you can start thinking about supplements, since I do think that they can serve as a little extra help when all the previous points are in check. There are literally hundreds of different products out there. However, the only 4 supplements you should consider taking.

4 supplements you should consider taking


I know you saw this one coming. This is the most basic and useful supplement you can buy. Protein powder is nothing but just another protein source, just like eggs, meat or fish. The only advantage it has against “real food” is that it doesn’t need to be cooked. Just throw a scoop on a shaker, add water in it, shake it and boom there you have it. 

It is perfect for a quick dose of protein during the day and to help you reach your daily protein requirements easier.


In a very summarized way, it is an organic acid that helps with ATP (your body’s energy source) regeneration. Creatine will help you have more energy, delay fatigue and it promotes strength gain as well as muscle growth. 

It is one of the very few supplements that I recommend to pretty much everyone and anyone wanting to improve their performance no matter what sport they play.

0,1 gr per every 10kg of body weight a day is all you need.


The main reason why I recommend this type of supplements is to basically make sure you provide your body with all the micronutrients it needs. 

Keep in mind that you are already consuming certain vitamins in certain quantities through your daily nutrition so adding a multivitamin could cause an excess of X vitamin. So, if you keep track of the vitamins you consume and you know you only have deficiencies on certain vitamins, I suggest you take a vitamin supplement of those specific vitamins. 

But if you know you have plenty of deficiencies in terms of micronutrients, then a multivitamin would be a good option for you. That being said, keep in mind that if you do not have any deficiencies at all, these supplements won’t bring you any additional benefits.


Fish oil is an amazing source of EPA and DHA (omega 3). They are essential fatty acids that are crucial for overall health and well-being. Since they are essential, your body cannot manufacture them on its own so you need to provide your body with them through your daily nutrition and/or supplementation. 

This type of fatty acids will help you keep an optimal heart and cardiovascular health, healthy blood fats, they help reduce mild joint inflammations and promote a better cognitive function.

Summing up, they are key for optimal overall health. 

Now, just like I said on the previous point, if you are already consuming plenty of EPA and DHA through your daily nutrition there is no point on also taking this supplement. However, if that is not the case, you might want to add. This one to your supplement stack.

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