5 Tips To Break A Fat Loss Plateau


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Weight loss can plateau for a number of different reasons. In fact, it is most likely to happen sooner or later in your fat loss journey. That’s why today I am going to give you 5 tips to break a fat loss plateau. 

5 tips to break a fat loss plateau


Tracking what you eat is absolutely necessary to lose weight. Why? Easy. You need to be on a caloric deficit. And how can you know you are on a deficit if you don’t actually keep track of what you eat?

If you haven’t yet, start tracking what you eat. And if you are already doing that, make sure you track everything and very accurately. 


Stress affects your weight loss a lot. And I mean, a lot. 

It not only can lead you to overeating as a way to release tension, as many people do. But it also promotes the production of the cortisol hormone, which can increase fat and water storage. 

Make sure you manage your stress properly so it doesn’t mess with your fat loss journey. 


Yes, you read that right. Being on a deficit puts a lot of stress in your body. And when you do it over a long period of time, it causes serious reactions in your body.

Not to get too technical here, but your metabolism slowly adapts to your caloric intake over time. That is why you need to progressively lower your calories as you lose weight. However, you may reach a point where lowering your calories even more would be very unhealthy and unsustainable. 

When you reach that point what you need to do instead of dropping your calories even more is to give yourself a diet break for a couple of weeks by increasing your caloric intake to pretty much your maintenance levels before getting back on a deficit again.


You want to lose weight? You need to train hard yes, so you can send your body the stimulus it needs to maintain your muscle mass. But you also need to train smart, meaning that you need to make sure you burn as many calories as possible during your workouts. 

How do you do that? Challenging your CNS. Prioritize heavy compound movements over isolation exercises to increase your energy expenditure both during and after your workouts. 

YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER HIRING A COACH (click here if that is the case)

No, I am not adding this to “sell myself”. But let’s say it how it is: coaches/personal trainers/nutritionists exist for a reason. And we are the ones who know how to help you reach your fitness goals the best and most optimal way possible. 

So instead of going around in circles and not making any progress, you might want to hire a coach so you have a detailed and customized blueprint that you just need to follow and that will give you almost guaranteed results. 

Because at the end of the day, what do you do when you don’t know how to do something? You hire a professional.

Boom, there you have it. 5 tips to break a fat loss plateau. Give them a try and let me know how they go!

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